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Jarmo P
14 articles

FOCKE-WULF FW 190 F-8 1/481./SG 5, "Black 10"

September 24, 2023 · in Aviation · · 14 · 466

Detachment Kuhlmey's (Schlachtgeschwader 1./SG 5) "Black 10" In Immola Finland during summer 1944. Pilot was Feldwebel Hartmut Gettwart.

If you have some interest about the history of detachment Kuhlmey, please see more:

Model is build from Eduard 1/48 kit (82139) and upgraded with Eduard's Brassin/Resin kit (648650). Painted with Vallejo and Hataka Acrylics.

This is my first posting and kit here, so please try to understand my probable mistakes. 🙂

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome 1 

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. What an excellent entry to this community, Jarmo @jp
    Welcome aboard.
    Your Fw190 looks perfect as does the base. No mistakes to be observed.
    I do like the painting and weathering a lot.

  2. I have to say, I don't see any mistakes - probable or improbable. Very nice work!

    Welcome to iModeler.

  3. Excellent build.

  4. Very nice looking! Glad to have you here.

  5. Great looking 190, welcome to iModeler.

  6. Fantastic result, Jarmo!
    No mistakes whatsoever.
    Welcome aboard!

  7. Very nice and welcome

  8. Thank you guys for nice comments, and I also appreciate nice welcome from all of you.

    Glad to be here!

  9. Beautiful work, Jarmo, and outstanding detailing on the engine and exhausts area. Your gentle approach to the mottling is also admirable. One small suggestion is that you use a decal setting/solvent solution to get the markings to snuggle down into panel lines, or gently score the markings with a new knife blade where needed to achieve the same effect. Congratulations on completing this outstanding late-war butcher bird and thank you for sharing your work with this site!

    • Thank you for comment Christopher.

      Good point. I did use both decal setting and solvent, but maybe those fuselage markings should sit a little bit better... Perhaps few more rounds with solvent would be needed, so maybe I was a bit hasty.

      Decals are gathered from different manufacturers (Eduard, Xtradecal and Kits-World), and probably those Xtradecal ones are bit more resistant for solvent.

  10. A very nice addition to the Wurger Fan Club.


  11. That's a beautiful 190! Excellent modeling skills on display. Welcome aboard the best modeling site on the net [not that it's a competition... 🙂 ]

  12. Thank you all for nice comments.

    Surely gives a "push" for current build with "not so easy" Zoukei-Mura He-219 😉

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