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Steven Corvi
34 articles

Arma Hobby 1/48 Hurricane IIC

September 30, 2023 · in Aviation · · 10 · 273

I recently did the Arma hobby Hurricane IIC. IT was a nice new tooled build of the venerable Hurricane. This is probably the best kit in 1/48 of this airframe. IT will be nice to see the series develope from Arma hobbys!

Link to the IPMS USA review:


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10 responses

  1. Nice work! I agree, this is probably the best rendition of the Hurricane in this scale. I am holding out for the Mk.IId 40mm cannon "Tin Opener' version. That is my personal favorite of the Hurricane series.

  2. I am sure Arma will be doing it. I also reviewed the Arma 1/72 IID Hurricane:

    IF the 1/48 is like the 1/72 you will have 3-D printed gun barrels for 40mm and some work to redo scribing & panel line placement to acommodate the anti-tank weapons.

    Soon I am sure!


  3. Very nice work on this, Steven. This is one of those kits that makes a modeler better for having done it.

  4. Excellent job, Steven!

  5. Sharp work! I'm waiting for the Mk IIb kit.

  6. Fantastic! I thought I had enough Hurricanes, but this one makes me want some more!

  7. That cockpit is a model in itself. Beautifully finished.

  8. Excellent build, Steven @sjcorvi
    This kit is still on my wishlist and your result clearly shows why.

  9. Dynamite looking Hurricane. That cockpit is terrific, Steven @sjcorvi. I’ll be studying your build as I’ve moved this kit to the top of my “must build next” list. Everything in the box looks superb.

  10. Good-looking Hurricane! I'm quickly becoming a big fan of those Arma Hobby kits!

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