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Valter vaudagna
49 articles

Macchi C 205 V A.N.R.

September 26, 2023 · in Aviation · · 17 · 0.6K

I present to my reproduction of the Macchi C 205 Veltro of the second Fighter Group of the Aeronautica Repubblicana ,whitch to lieutenant Robetto.
I.made all modification to the model kit di that the 205 version was credible and not a mix of 202/205 panels,like it result from the hasegawa mold created to be able to obtain both version.
The model was painted with Gunze and tamiya acrylics colors,AEROMASTER decals
Thanks for watching
Valter ๐Ÿ‘Œ

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13  Awesome 3  1  2 

32 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Very nice. I built the Italeri re-boxing and cheated with the rings as they came as decals. If you look very closely they look like they were sprayed on

    • Yours is a very attractive scene, Valter, and with the special touch of some battle damage, a fortunate escape. Your base helps demonstrate the effectiveness of the spinach rings camouflage in revese, and your gray-scale photos show how the Macchi would have looked in periodicals of the day. I wish, for those of us who do not know the panel lines as well as you do, that you had included a photo before painting that would show which lines you filled or engraved yourself. Congratulations on completing this outstanding build!

      • I believe these drawings can help you for your next Macchi 205 ๐Ÿ‘

        4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  2. This is a beautiful result, Valter @zagorten27
    Are those rings decals or did you spray them on. If sprayed, what settings did you use on your airbrush.

  3. Excellent Veltro - the flap damage is quite realistic!

  4. As others have mentioned, the wing damage really "makes it." Nice work as usual.

  5. Nice work, Valter!

  6. Outstanding effort.

  7. Fantastic job, Valter!

  8. I must say this is the best 205 with the green olive rings scheme I recall seeing. Perfect airbrush! Thumbs up

  9. Great job! That paint job is tops

  10. Terrific airbrush work.

  11. Love the Italian schemes, and you really nailed this one! I also like the battle damage. Overall a great model - well done!

  12. Beautiful work and an excellent finish, Valter... ;-).

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