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Joe Bianco
12 articles

1/48 Eduard A6M2 Type 21 Pearl Harbor Zero

October 13, 2023 · in Aviation · · 16 · 521

I finished this scale A6M2 Type 21 Zero a few months ago but I am just now getting around to posting it. The plane represents a Zero that was in the second attack wave on Pearl Harbor. All markings including the tail codes were painted using custom masks I created using CAD software and cut on my Silhouette Cameo 4 vinyl cutter, only small stencils are decals. Photos are stitched using Helicon Remote software and edited in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. I'll be adding more pics in the next few days. I sacrificed a 3rd place plaque to make a display base for the A6M2 Zero. I painted the Japanese Rising Sun flag on a sheet metal plate and mounted it to the plaque. Small magnets were installed in the wheels keep the model from sliding.

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28  Awesome 1  3 

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Nothing short of being "Art". Some strong work with the photography and the plaque all add up to be some real eye candy Joe.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your gifts and talents in modeling .

    Two thumbs up. Three if I had an extra.

  2. A beautiful build! Just a pristine finish.

  3. Superb result, Joe @mercenarymodels
    Paintwork is really amazing and the painted markings are very nice as well.
    Your masks created with the vinyl cutter worked perfectly.
    Nice base as well and a great idea to use magnets.

  4. Beautiful work. The magnets in the wheels were a great idea. I used a small magnet in the nose wheel of my P-38 build to keep it from being a tail dragger.

  5. Spectacular build, a real beauty!

  6. This is a great looking Bird!

  7. I really like this model. The work is excellent and the result is superb. If anyone has any doubts about the quality of this kit and what is possible with it, they need look no further than your photos.

  8. @mercenarymodels, That's a fabulous model, Joe! 🏆 Great scale modeling on display here, folks! 👍

  9. Beautifully finished.

  10. Fantastic job, Joe!

  11. A great example of this kit.

  12. Absolutely gorgeous!

  13. Beautiful Zero! You put a lot of skillful work into this.

  14. A beautiful model, Joe! What brand of paint did you use for the airframe?

  15. Fine looking build, Joe!

  16. Spectacular realization Joe !

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