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Rafi Ben-Shahar
436 articles

Tamiya 1/35 Matilda

October 9, 2023 · in Armor · · 20 · 382

Another gem armor from .
You would need though a separate link tracks to replace the vinyl supplied tracks for a better fit with the drive sprocket.

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome 1  3 

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Not much to add to Rafi's comment this is indeed a true gem. I built this one as well, not as nicely weathered as this though. Great job Rafi.

  2. The cornerstone of your Matilda tank is the weathering around the tracks, absolutely gorgeous and realistic detail. May I ask what did you used to get those stains?
    And another question regarding the white and red stripes if I also may ask- the one on the starboard side is damaged pretty much like a decal would look, scuffed that is. Were those markings painted or just a form of stencil on the real tank? Thanks for sharing this beauty Rafi!

    • Thank you Pedro.
      The weathering was largely done with pigments. I applied with alcohol that allows modification of the pattern after it dries.
      I had no photograph reference of the particular tank. Also the decals were very brittle. So, I went with the flow...

  3. Fantastic result, Rafi! Weathering is really phenomenal.

  4. Indeed a real gem, Rafi @blackmopane
    Camouflage and weathering are excellent, giving it a realistic look.

  5. The way all of the colors blend together is fantastic! Very striking. Bravo!

  6. Like the others have already said, fantastic weathering effects, cool name for a tank as well.

  7. That's a beauty, Rafi @blackmopane! 👍 Wonderfully finished and weathered just right, that model would grace any display cabinet! I wish it were in mine. 😁

  8. Queen of the desert. Well done, perfect Caunter colors.

  9. Rafi Ben-Shahar, I'm an airplane guy, however I always enjoy good modeling (especially armor),and especially when I see something built this nice. I really like the weathering work you've done here, or as I like to call
    it "dirty-ing it up beautifully.

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