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Steven Corvi
33 articles

1/72 Revell Monogram Babylon 5 Starfury

November 22, 2023 · in Sci-fi · · 9 · 366

This is built with some modifications. The kit is kinda of a dog...Raised panel lines and does NOT fit well at all. I guess it was in the toy realm of its era.

I added some gun barrels from plastic tube stoch and modified the main guns. Also used the Green Strawberry resin cockpit set w/ vac. canopy . I used the kit decals which werent bad but definitely needed to be handled with kid gloves and coaxed a bit but they laid down OK in the end.

Fun build ...Nice break from all the aircraft


Reader reactions:
9  Awesome 1 

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9 responses

  1. Looks perfect to me, Steven @sjcorvi
    No signs of the fitting issue you encountered.

  2. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice work and good modifications, Steve.

  3. I like what you did with it. (@sjcorvi)

  4. It looks good but I know what you are talking about. I had fun with mine but it was a difficult kit to build. Nothing like the Hasegawa and Bandai kits of the same era.
    More like an RM kit of the 80s.

  5. Great mods and weathering, looks great Steven. Sometimes it's fun to make a dog of a kit better, you definitely did that. Really nice job.

  6. Excellent job on a kit with challenging fit, Steven. Looks awesome!

  7. I’ve no idea what it is but it looks very well built and finished.

  8. Entil'Zha Veni! In Valen's name! You really knocked this one out of the park. Congratulations on a) actually finding one and b) making a great model out of a VERY difficult kit.

  9. Thank You everyone

    Yes I was fortunate to find the kit ...IT fought me but worth it in the end.

    Love to get a decent Whitestar!


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