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David G LANE
123 articles

General Paul von Hindenburg 1847-1934

November 4, 2023 · in Figures · 13 · 291

Time Life Miniatures 1:9
Printing ink metals

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome 2  1  4 

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Beautiful job... however, he was born in 1847.

  2. Excellent result as always, David!

  3. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Just logged in and this popped into my view, great work David.
    The blending of colors and the very subtle touch in the shadows as well as in the highlights are well done.
    Everything seems to be well in balance, even the medal work and it's colors.
    thank you for sharing these images.

  4. That is truly beautiful. Really impressive work David. The eyes look so lifelike, it amazing.

  5. Wonderful again, David @mentaldental
    Your paintwork gives those sculptures such a realistic face expression.

  6. Your figure painting is in a class of its own.

  7. I don't know if you care,(or go already) but You should bring your work to an IPMS Nats. If you like awards and such you are guaranteed IMHO. Your paintwork is masterclass.

    • I toyed with the idea of making to Texas but couldn’t make it work.
      Where and where in 2024?
      I’m over in the Uk and would love to bring some armour and biplanes. However, having seen how some pieces that were brought over to SMC were damaged……😱!

      • You hit the nail on the toughest part...transport. They really have to be packed to the nines to survive the careful handling of airline personnel. I think Telford would be a much better bet for you. At any rate next year is inMichigan, but I hear that 2025 will be back in Virginia Beach, very do-able for moi. Would love to have you over!

        • Back in '98 and '99 I visited MFCA in Philadelphia in May and MMSI in Chicago in the October to take part in the figure shows there. Very much enjoyed it.
          Never say never! 😉

  8. A (brush) stroke of genius. That is figure painting done to perfection.

  9. Amazing figure painting. The facial work is exceptional.

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