HMS Jupiter 1940
This is HMS Jupiter, a J class destroyer, which was pictured the status in 1940. You can see it at Wikipedia. It was based on Flyhawk 1/700 and a bit modified by using generic PEs and self built masts. This is my first post. I hope it has a proper level of quality worth showing the people in this site.
Very nice, Naoki (@yamanaka). Conversion is flawless. Welcome to iModeler!
Very high degree of realism in your model...reflecting exceptional artistic skill.
Welcome aboard to iModeler. Your destroyer looks amazing! (@yamanaka)
Welcome to iModeler, Yaoki, your model looks excellent.
Amazing job, Naoki!
Welcome aboard!
I think this quality level you have exhibited here is entirely proper, Naoki. Anybody who can do that level of detail in 1/700 has my complete attention and total respect. That quality level is VERY proper!
Thank you all for such encouraging comments! I will post more including Japanese ships and airplanes when I get used to posting.
Really outstanding Naoki! Hope to see more of your builds, welcome aboard.
First of all a warm welcome, Naoki @yamanaka
You definitely impressed all of us with you build of the HMS Jupiter.
Well done.
Beautiful work, I am always struck by ship modellers that work realistic models and dioramas in such tiny scales. And above all welcome to this great forum!
This is excellent, you would think it is a larger scale. Very impressive 1/700.
Excellent result!
That is a spectacular scale model Naoki @yamanaka, welcome to iModeler! 
Welcome to the forum Naoki (@yamanaka). That build looks impressive and well done. And please never feel like you're work isn't good enough for posting. This forum is open to all who wish to participate, regardless of their experience in this wonderful hobby.
Awesome build, Aoki. Welcome to iModeler!
Awesome build, can’t wait to see your other work.
Welcome to this forum Naoki.
You have made a quite impressive first post.
A fine job on your skills and talent can be seen here on this build and more so in that scale,
hope to see more of your work.
Excellent work, Naoki! Welcome to imodeler.
That's an excellent reproduction of the prototype - it's also an extremely accurate reproduction with all the individual idiosyncrasies of Jupiter at that time. Great work.
Very Nice! Welcome to iModeler.