M-113 ACAV Vietnam War Academy 1/35

November 15, 2023 · in Armor · · 9 · 266

An old kit built for a friend who loves US weaponry...hope you like it!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Beautifully done, Marcus @mvtb
    Your friend will be very proud to have this on his shelf.

  2. Awesome result, my friend Marcus! By no means an armor expert myself, I believe Academy 1/35 Armor are classic, solid kits which, if build by a Master modeler (such as the case here), they yield wonderful results.
    Well done!

  3. Great job Marcus. I love the weathering on the tracks and roadwheels. Really nicely done.

  4. Lovely job Marcus!

  5. Looks good, I’m sure your friend will be very pleased.

  6. That looks great, Marcus @mvtb! 👍 Gotta love the hard-working "Track" from 'Nam! I have a cousin who commanded one with the 25th Infantry Division and I've been planning to build one in his honor. I hope my result comes out as well as this one. 😀

  7. Warmest thanks for each one of you guys!

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice modeling Marcus.
    That M-113 model belongs on a small Viet Nam War topic based diorama.
    Hope we can all enjoy seeing it on one.

  9. Nicely weathered wheels and tracks. You did a great job on this (@mvtb).

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