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Mark Hedrick
17 articles

Academy 1/48 SBD 3 Dauntless

December 16, 2023 · in Aviation · · 19 · 515

This model is one of the Enterprise at the Battle of Midway. Only my second Navy plane but since I purchased the Vallejo Air paint set for WWII naval I will be doing more. I have a ready to go soon.

This was my first kit and I had some problems. The instructions have very over simplified drawings that left me guessing several times. The interior is very detailed (as usual even built open most of the interior can't be seen) but inserting the interior into the fuselage was a problem and required much trimming. Ended up ok but much more fitting issues than I am used to. Is this common with Academy, or just this model or just me? Decals seemed a bit fragile but I was careful.

I slightly weathered with black and white oil paint.

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5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. Nice build of a SBD-3.

    The Academy SBD is actually the Accurate Miniatures mold from the early 2000s. I don't recall the fit of the interior being bad or fiddly when I built this kit but it's been 17 years or so since I built one.

  2. Yes the Accurate Miniatures Dauntless was known for fiddlyness. (Is that a word?) including the interior fit. It could also turn out nice in the end, like yours.

  3. I've never had a fit problem with the Accurate Miniatures SBD (which is what this kit is). Fit is very precise, and if you're off to any bit, the fit goes screwy. Be very precise in in installing it to the left fuselage half and all is well.

    One minor thing for future reference - the upper wing dive flaps only deploy in flight when initiating a dive when acting as flaps for landing the upper panels stay in the "down" position - the kit requires you to cut off the attachment points to do that.

  4. I thought the same thing about the dive brake deployment. But doing research for this project I googled SBD dive brakes and found many photos of parked planes with brakes fully deployed so I decided to show it that way.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

    • Mark Hedrick (@markhedrick)
      I’ve seen this very same SBD here at our local airport some years ago. It flew in from Georgia and was part of the annual festival for the Naval Air Station Deland. Our airport was a major training facility for SBD crews. It was like going back in time watching it fly in the skies over here. They had over a hundred of them stationed here during the war.

  5. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Very nice modeling on this one Mark.

  6. It certainly looks like you have overcome any fit issues with the kit, Mark (@markhedrick). This kit come from the original Accurate Miniature molds, but the molds date back to 1997. It is possible the molds are just getting tired.

  7. It looks fine from where I’m sitting, Mark.

  8. Nice looking Dauntless. Great job. I have many Academy and Accurate Miniture kits, in the ones I've assembled, the fit has been excellent. If there were any fit issues, it was always do to myself. I test fit multiple times no matter how good the kit is supposed to be.

  9. Yeah, some kits are your new bestie until you find a hang up. Then they become, a Pita and in the end there your Frenemy. You love to hate them for being so fiddly but, the end result is worth it.
    Mark your SBD-3 turned out great. Looking forward to seeing your Hellcat.

  10. Excellent job on this Dauntless! @markhedrick

  11. Nice Dauntless!

  12. Nice result. I did several AM SBDs, great kits.

  13. Mark Hedrick (@markhedrick)
    I’m going to chime in and add my compliments on your SBD. You have done a wonderful job with this and I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with the Hellcat.

  14. Very nice Dauntless - well done. I've had lots of issues with Academy decals - often just disintegrate in the water!

  15. Hey Mark Hedrick (@markhedrick)

    I remember you mentioned an SBD 3 Dauntless a few weeks back when I posted my first build. I’m guessing this is the said project?

    I think your model looks great! After I looked up the plane on the internet, I did wonder if it was the same plane in the movie portrayal of the Battle of Midway.

    I believe a model is a great way to have a bit of artistic creativity so to speak and create something that has personal meaning to you.

    Well done on a great looking model.

  16. Thanks for all of the positive comments. I have learned so much from this site and all of you.

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