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Megalodon and Shark

December 30, 2023 · in Uncategorized · · 13 · 302

A new job and a new experience. Fantasy style work. Megalodon and the world's largest atomic submarine Project 941 “” or “.

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11  Awesome 3  2 

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13 responses

  1. Love the work and ideas Roman. Super stuff 👍

  2. Wonderful diorama, Roman @doom
    Nice to see the water movement at the propellors of the sub.

  3. Fantastic display, just how big is it?

  4. Great stuff Nice work Resin pour looks amazing...Jason Statham would be proud!

    Have you been watching Monarch on Apple TV?


  5. "Gonna need a bigger boat!" Sorry, wrong movie! 😄 But the sentiment remains...😊

    Really cool idea, Roman @doom. 😎

  6. That’s great. I enjoy stepping outside the bounds on expected and you knocked it our of the park.

  7. Amazing work and an incredible result!

  8. Fantastic job, Roman!

  9. Great display Roman (@doom). Looks like somebody is in for a serious butt chewing..😀

  10. Pretty neat stuff. @doom

  11. Thank you my friends. It's a pleasure to have surprised you. Happy New Year to you. Good work in the new year.

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