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Yann Bertholet
14 articles

Spitfire MK. IX ‘Bulldog’ No 611 Squadron, Biggin Hill

December 7, 2023 · in Aviation · · 31 · 391

Hi everybody,
I'm back in the business, please don't be to rude on this one I've got an injured at my right eyes while felling trees. However I was still following you guys.

The aircraft:

MK IX from no. 611th squadron which operated during the battle of Britain while base in Duxford. The EN 133
has been shot down by Fock wulf 190's over Abbeville FRANCE.

The pilots:

One the pilot' amongst who flow this ‘Spit' was the famous Franz Ferdinand Colloredo Mansfeld, son of an Austrian diplomat. Franz Ferdinand served in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve in the United Kingdom after Germany annexed t Austria. He was shot down and KIA on 14th Jan., 1944. He was at that time the commander of the No. 132 Squadron "City of Bombay”.

The last pilot who flown the EN 133 was Wing Commander James Hogarth Slater KIA shot down over Abbeville by a FW-190 from JG-26 (unfortunately I don't have more information about the pilot).

The Kit:

Nothing surprising when you're building an . Everything fits properly as usual. The only thing I don't understand is why the engine top cover ome in 2 pieces? And of course you're sure that you glued it nicely until the end of the paint progress when you can still see the seem. For the paint I used for the first time a technics of the ‘Blu Tack' and really pleased with it (previously used kind ok Maskol, which gave an oily sheen on the surface where applied).

Okay guys that's it for me today I need to rest my eye. I hope to come back soon.

I hope you like and don't hesitate to leave comments and recommendations.

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31 responses

  1. Beautiful build, Yann. Did you paint the codes? And what brand of Sky did you use? Looks great!

  2. A lovely Spit - well done!

  3. Absolutely beautiful, Yann @yann
    Even with your injury you created an amazing Spitfire.
    Hope you will recover from your injury soon.

  4. A beautiful Spit, looks great! Be careful with your eyes!

  5. A very well done Spit!

  6. Excellent job, Yann!

  7. Nice clean work, it looks beautiful Yann, awesome job. I really have to pick up one of these Eduard Spitfires, they seem really nice.

  8. Looks fantastic! Hope your eye fully heals. @yann

  9. Love it Yann! That’s a nice Spit! Great work. Get well soon 😎

  10. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Nice and good respectable modeling Yann!

  11. You can't go wrong with an Eduard Spitfire, and you definitely made the most out of what was in the box.

    • Many thanks Tom @tcinla, you are right regarding the Eduard Kit although I waste the sky (duck egg) paint while weathering. I still don't understand why only on this part. Maybe because it was Enamel paint?

  12. G’day Yann (@yann),
    This is a great looking build.

  13. Lovely Spitfire, hope your eye heals soon.

  14. Respect chap, hope all is well soonest.
    There is never any reason to be rude, particularly when you don't know peoples circs (or tastes)..unless of course you build a Westland Lynx with a droopy head then shooting is a must😁. Constructive criticism doesn't hurt if you deliver it properly and privately but you have done a nice job. Must be bloody difficult. I remember the first time I tried using pinning a tail on the donkey😳.

    Nice one chap, keep it up, hope all is well soonest❤️👍

    • Many thanks Chris, you're right constructive criticism never hurt. It was not that difficult, but a slow process for sure and the magnifiers are not helping at all it makes my crying. But anyway thanks for the nice comment.

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