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Jarmo P
15 articles

Zoukei-Mura 1/32 He219 A-0 UHU Night Fighter

December 6, 2023 · in Aviation · · 44 · 0.8K

He219 A-0 Night Fighter. Pilot 2./NJG1, Hptm. E-W Modrow.

Some SWS add-on sets used, and HGWModels seat belts.
Painted with Vallejo/Hataka/AK Acrylics. Weathering done with AK, Mig and Tamiya pigments, washes, filters and panel liners.

Model is waiting for ground crew to be completed, but here shown only with simply base.

Kit is quite well detailed, but needs a lot of work (sanding mostly). I'm quite happy with result, though.

Reader reactions:
22  Awesome 2  6 

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

44 responses

  1. That looks beautiful,Jarmo, it must be quite a large model.

  2. Nicely done, Jarmo! A real beauty.

  3. Beautifully executed Jarmo. The plumbing is terrifically well done and painted.

  4. Great build & finish. Remarkable detail work.

  5. outstanding work on this, you've set the bar really high for the rest of us!

  6. Excellent detail work. Very impressive.

  7. That amazing model is actually "awesome"! ๐Ÿคฉ Wow, what a wonderful display of craftsmanship and building and finishing skills, Jarmo @jp! ๐Ÿ†

  8. Outstanding build! Love it.

  9. Amazing. There's a lot to love, but the landing gear and wheel wells are superb.

  10. Excellent job, Jarmo! This is an outstanding model in every respect!

  11. Terrific work on this. Beautifully brutal looking aircraft and you've done an excellent job.

  12. Outstanding work - if it were mine, I'd be happy with it too!

  13. Superb result allover, Jarmo @jp
    Painting such a large aircraft is already a challenge by itself, you did excellent work here.

    • Thanks John. You're right, I had some challenges with painting due to kit size and also with RLM tones I needed (I'd try get bit worn out tones for the fuselage and wings).

  14. I built the 1/48th Tamiya kit when I got the opportunity to start building again years back. I love what you have done with this larger scale kit from Zoukei-Mura. Beautifully done and I love all the detail. Your efforts were very well rewarded Jarmo, @jp .

  15. Thatโ€™s a masterpiece, Jarmo. Great detail work.

  16. Thank you John.

  17. Beautiful! Such an excellent job. If this kit is any thing like the other Zeokui- Mura kits I know it has many details no one will ever see, but there so nice when you're done. I have one of there P-51kits, and I just love looking through the instruction manual.

    • Thanks Clint. Yes, also this kit has so many details in fuselage and wings, and not seen by anyone. That's why I cut open one engine maintenance hatch, and tried to open quite many of other hatches, too. I also left one engine cowlings away, just to expose it a bit (that's why I need to add maintenance crew later).

  18. Outstanding assembly and finishing.

  19. Wow! That is "drop dead" gorgeous! @jp

  20. Excellence of Execution if I can use that term here. Thanks for sharing Jarmo.

    So many great modelers on this site.

  21. Not often seen on display this ZM big sized Uhu. Your work checks all the key points I look for in a model. Fabulous work

  22. ๐Ÿ™‚ ... Greetings ... ๐Ÿ™‚ :
    Very elegant and gracious in every angle it is watched.
    The details, panels and plumbing in this model really are a joy to see.
    The camouflage and mottled effect are very well accomplished.
    The photography adds more visual interest, good modeling Jarmo!
    Thank you for sharing this.

  23. Wow, I am simply blown away at how nice the big Owl has come out. Be proud of this piece of art. I have this kit in my stash and your build has just become a reference for my future build.

    How long did it take to build this kit? Must have been months and months. What do you mean by "sanding mostly"?

  24. Thank you all for comments.

    David @kahu, I mean that this kit need quite a lot grinding with sandpaper and cleaning with some parts (molding seams). Building took some 4 months.

  25. Great looking HE-219 Jarmo . The Zoukei-Mura kits are really detailed , and you did an excellent job on yours. Thanks for sharing.

  26. This is my dream. Good work!

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