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Simon Nagorsnik
46 articles

J.M.S.D.F. DDG-174 Kirishima (Kongo- Class Destroyer) (1/700)

January 26, 2024 · in Ships · · 7 · 408

J.M.S.D.F. DDG-174 Kirishima
By Hasegwa (30045, Hyper Detail) in scale.

My first experience with kits, 1/700 scale, ships and the ocean 😄
Some things happened durung processing, some time passed by, but in the end I'm quite happy with my debut in Navy genre.

During the construction I was always a bit surprised, because I´d expected a better fit of the Hasegawa kit.
I came across some gaps and holes that had to be filled and needs to be sanded.
I also had some difficulties with the instructions regarding the PE parts, as they were often very vague in the specifications.
The PE parts themselves were excellent to process.

It was necessary to rework the sea surface a few times, as I never quite got to the desired result (due to lack of experience).
As a result, my Kirishima may be a little deeper in the water than the original.

The painting went surprisingly faster than expected, as a lot of my usual techniques and procedures were omitted.
Only some color- modulation by airbrush, detail painting, pin- washing and dry- brushing techniques were used finished by minimal streaking effects.
The processing of the decals was also unusual to me (armor modeller) but, with enough decal softener, worked well.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome 3  1 

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Great looking warship, Simon.

  2. Awesome job, Simon!

  3. Awesome looking Japanese DDG, Simon. The propeller guards look close to the water, but the overall effect is superb. In rough seas, which you depict well, ships aren't usually where painted waterline = the sea surface, so to my imagination the ship has hit a trough after coming down a large wave.

    Great model and photography.

  4. That is a stunning presentation. Job well done! @s-nagorsnik

  5. Very impressive, Simon @s-nagorsnik
    From the looks I would say that you are an experienced navy modeller already.
    Besides the model also the base and realistic water effects do look great.

  6. That's very very cool Simon. Great work, absolutely nailed it 👍

  7. Thanks a lot for all your comments and exhilarating words my friends:D
    In between, I had already planned to simply cancel the project...
    @bobda56az Thanks for your feedback, then it's probably not as bad as I had feared;)

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