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F4U-1A Corsair (BuNo 17883) on a Pacific island : Vella Lavella, December 1943

February 25, 2024 · in Diorama · 35 · 409


For my arrival on this site, I present to you six photos of my finalized diorama project (in November 2023) created around the TAMIYA model of the F4U-1A Corsair at 1/48 scale with also a ULTRACAST figure of Gregory Boyington. My goal for any project is to create a set as close as possible to historical and technical reality. This therefore requires research, time and a lot of patience.

If you want to see all the stages of the work carried out from the base to the finalization of the model, in the spirit of sharing, I invite you to discover the seven articles that I have written on my personal blog "AVIONS EN KITS".



Reader reactions:
12  Awesome 4 

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

35 responses

  1. Ah, now I can see it. Very nice! Welcome to iModeler, the best modeling club on the planet.

  2. Beautiful paintwork, very clean and professional looking work

    • Thank you very much Harvey for your comment which motivates me to tackle a new double project which will be devoted to TAMIYA's P-47D Bubbletop and M at 1/48 scale (which should give me less improvement work than the Corsair 😉).

  3. Great work on this project , Bernard @bernardp !

  4. Excellent job, Bernard!
    Welcome aboard!

  5. You entered with a beautiful diorama, Bernard @BernardP
    Welcome to this great modelling community.
    Both, the Corsair and the diorama, are looking great. The Corsair is definitely in its natural environment.

    • Thank you John for your welcome and your appreciation :-). I am not a professional modeler, but it is true that since I retired, I can devote myself fully to aircraft modeling in the form of a diorama model project.

  6. That's an awesome doirama - Nice work on the Corsair and Pappy looks good, too!

  7. Welcome aboard, Bernard. Great first post. Looking forward to seeing more.

  8. Welcome aboard! Great Corsair, and I'm glad to see you went with a light blue rather than red surround on the national insignia. I am one of the believers that many of what we see as red surrounds in B&W photos are actually a combination of blues painted over the reds. Excellent build!

    • Thank you very much Rob and it's a pleasure to share 😊... My choice of the color of the national insignia border is based on the remarkable work carried out by the Fündekals team and reproduced in the PDF instruction file for their reference FD48024 and it was the same for the very particular antenna system that is often neglected! 😉

  9. G’day Bernard (@bernardp),
    This is a great build and first post.

  10. Bernard...your fine model & diorama take us back to the TV show Baa Baa Black Sheep with Robert Conrad playing Boyington. It was a great weekly show that ended too soon. Great job.

    • Thank you Bob and for information my project was a request in 2014 from my wife, a big fan of the TV series (in fact, rather of Robert Conrad I suspect 😉) who showed a lot of patience and understanding for the deadline for producing the diorama. The Boyington figure was not initially planned (a very first for me) but it made him happy ! 😊

  11. That is a very nice looking Corsair, I like the way the colors turned out. It makes for a very nice presentation on that base too. Good work on the figure also, having him standing there give us scale and a reminder of a remarkable pilot.

  12. Thank you Walt and glad you like my diorama and the figure 😊
    I added a photo with a closer view of the latter which was a very first achievement for me with a restitution of the complicated facial expression ☹ Thank you in advance for your indulgence!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  13. WOW! I'm very happy to see this splendid work here too!

  14. Welcome to iModeler, Bernard, and what a great first posting. Corsairs are very popular here but your model and its presentation are exceptional.

  15. Lovely diorama, and great modeling on the Corsair. Looks excellent! Welcome aboard!

  16. Fantastic diorama!

  17. What a terrific way to kick off your presence on iModeler. Excellent diorama. The paintwork is perfect for a PTO Corsair and the little details are great. The tire tracks in the sand…so good. Thanks for sharing and welcome to the asylum.

    • Thank you very much Matt for your appreciation of my diorama 😉
      With all the compliments received since I registered on the site [thanks again to everyone 🙂 🙂 🙂 ], I will be forced to set the bar even higher for my new double-scale project 1/48 with two dioramas carried out in parallel which will be developed around two TAMIYA models of the P-47D Thunderbolt (with one of the dioramas which will be winter for a project that I have been thinking about for a long time).

  18. Beauty and welcome to the forum. Building one right now

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