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George Henderson
70 articles

Revell 1:48 Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10 Kit #85-5253

February 11, 2024 · in Aviation · · 29 · 430

A nice little kit with a few problems. Took a little over a month to complete. The cockpit is pretty sparse. The rudder pedals were blobs so I placed Eduard pedals over them. I made harnesses supplied by a company called Kam I Zukuri or something like that. Can't seem to find the harnesses on the web any more but just as well as they were very finicky with 7 pieces per belt. The Morane antenna and pitot tube were two of the problems. the former being a long rectangle and the later being a shorter rectangle, nothing like a pitot tube. I cut the antenna down, bored a hole and inserted some stretched sprue. Not quite spec but close enough. The pitot tube was replaced with another Eduard spare. The canopy was the other problem being too narrow and short-shot at the front. I added some PVA to fill the gaps and it just barely passes grade. The longest part of the build was trying to decipher the camouflage from a poor quality photo. I found three profile photos in different books. One was 82/81/76. Another was said to be black/82/76 and finally one done by Lynn Ritger for a decal sheet stating 81/82/76 with NMF under the wings. When in doubt...go with the expert. For the 81 I used Vallejo Model Air 71.013 Yellow Olive. 82 was Tamiya XF-67 Nato Green; close enough for government work. 76 was Vallejo Model Air 71.046, Pale Blue Grey and the NMF was Vallejo Metallic White aluminum

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15  Awesome 1 

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29 responses

  1. Your 109 looks outstanding ! These late War Luftwaffe planes have some really interesting paint schemes. I really like what you’ve done with yours.

    Many years ago I had the opportunity to meet with Lynn Ritger in person. We were in the Hobbytown store in Ormond Beach. I could tell from our conversation that he knew what he was talking about with the 109.

    Sadly the Hobbytown is no longer there. It has since moved away and is now much closer to Orlando and it’s also under new ownership.

    I think you made a great choice with how you have painted yours.

    Well done.

  2. Excellent work. I’m finishing an early E right now and I also find multiple descriptions of exact colors and camo design. Many sources say so many were painted in the field that the variations are endless. I got as close to photos as I could.
    Yours looks great.

  3. Excellent job, George and I really like the chosen camo, which you replicated perfectly!

  4. Great work on this Gustav, George @blackadder57
    A nicely chosen scheme and beautifully applied.

  5. Nicely done George, like P-40's there's an endless number of camo patterns and paint jobs you can duplicate on 109's. She looks to me in spite of your issues.

  6. What a beautiful result, George!
    Really love the camo paintwork.
    A job well done 👍

  7. Nice work, George.

  8. Great work, George, close enough for jazz, as some musicians would say.

  9. Interesting build, George.

  10. Like many others, the unusual camo scheme struck me at once. Out of interest, what unit is this 109 from?

  11. Great looking Gustav, George. Excellent looking model.
    I find that half the fun is trying to figure what information is correct.

  12. Great build, it definitely looks like a 109 to me. I have this kit in my stash, and as you say, it has its issues, but it's a decent kit nonetheless. You definitely got the best out of it without having to go crazy with aftermarket stuff. Nice job.

  13. Looks good, George!

  14. Gear color palate. Clean and crisp lines. Excellent work!

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