Video: Step by Step Post-shade Weathering GuideF4U-1D Corsair Scale Model Aircraft

February 25, 2024 · in How-to · · 2 · 191
Posted on Youtube by Scale-a-ton ·
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2 responses

  1. The problem with this model is that it takes about three years of hard use to get a Glossy Sea Blue aircraft to look like that. If you were to research the Bunker Hill air group and check photos of them at the time of the first Tokyo strikes (the mission the yellow nose identifies), you would discover they were nearly-new airplanes in excellent condition. The "before" finish is accurate for the time period depicted.

    • I agree with Tom. Many Navy Corsairs are heavily weathered when they shouldn’t be. USMC ground based planes had a harder life, so if one wants to build a battle wore F-4 make it a flying leatherneck.

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