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Brian Riedel
45 articles

Atlantis American Bison

March 7, 2024 · in Figures · 12 · 166

Built this Atlantis (ex-Aurora) American Bison model for a good friend’s Christmas present.
Nothing out of the ordinary when building it, but it was great fun!

Brian Riedel

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome 1 

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Nice work. Here in Buffalo NY we have fiberglass life size bison "models" all around the area. There are even a small herd of them on in between the grassy area of one of our highways. A family member asked how did they keep the buffalos from wondering out onto the highway without having a fence! 😂 That still always gives me a chuckle.

  2. Nice work ! Looks great ! I remember my older brother built one of those in about 1968 or so.

  3. The prairie dogs are a nice touch.

  4. Awesome bison! Love the prairie dogs too.

  5. Beautifully done, Brian @bzak
    Together with the prairie dogs it gives a good idea on how big those animals are.

  6. Very impressive, Brian.

  7. Excellent job, Brian!

  8. Looks great but where are the wings? : )

  9. All you need is a flying tourist who thinks wildlife are from a Disney movie and attempted to pet the wild beast.

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