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Kevin Rowbotham
14 articles

Italeri 1/48 Sioux (Luftwaffe)

March 9, 2024 · in Aviation · · 18 · 218

A very straightforward build that I treated as a mojo restorer...I sometimes find myself going down a rabbit hole with an excessive amount of detailing (most of which can't been seen anyway) when I'm building some kits which sometimes result in them becoming 'shelf queens'.

I have such a kit on the table at the moment and I needed a quick build to overcome my modellers block and this kit provided that.

Enough of my rambling, the kit was painted with XF's and weathered with pastels and was a very quick, simple and enjoyable build!

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome 3  1 

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Nice way to break your modeling drought.
    Been there many times with a shelf full of models that end up collecting dust incompleted. This year I am trying to finish them and so far I've managed to finish two of them, but the others are still rough.

  2. Thanks doesn't happen very often but when it does I find a quick build often restores my mojo!

  3. Fantastic result on this mojo restorer, Kevin @kevinrowbotham
    Although helicopters are not the easiest builds around, you did an amazing job here.

  4. Very nice! Looks great.

  5. Looks great Kevin! I just picked this kit up, and while I plan to build the US scheme, I was eyeing the Luft scheme in the booklet thinking how cool it looks in that bright red color. Your build validates that yes indeed, that looks cool. 🙂

    • Thanks very much Andrew! There are some lovely schemes in the box and I didn't want to do a green version so I went with this scheme (although tempted by the Italian version!)

  6. Excellent job, Kevin! What an amazing way to restore your mojo!

  7. Nice one. I have worked with the Sioux quite a bit and have just built the same kit. It's a shocker as much of it is either out of scale or missing.

    If there is one helicopter that desperately needs and deserves a decent kitting, the 47 series is it.

    Sadly, it's all we have.

    If you build one again, drop me a line for some pics👍😎

    4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

    • Thanks very much Chris and I appreciate your kind offer! If you have experience of the Sioux you certainly have an advantage in identifying the anomolies of the kit. I guessed the tail was out of scale but oblivious to other issues (I really built the kit at a fast pace)

      Nicely done version built by yourself!

  8. I know the feeling, Kevin!
    Think we all suffer “building blues” at times, this is sure a nice way to getting you mojo back.
    Lovely build and paint job. Thanks for sharing this mojo restorer!

  9. Thanks for sharing your experience, Kevin, you got a cool looking result here despite the kit’s deficiencies.

  10. Great job, Kevin (@kevinrowbotham). The Sioux is the first helo I think of when someone is talking about helicopters. Especially nice in a color other than OD.

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