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Jaime Carreon
98 articles

LeMans 2017 - Ford GT

March 20, 2024 · in Automotive · · 5 · 161

It was time to do something different to pull myself out of a recent modeling funk, so after the Stoof, I pulled this little gem out of the pile. I'm usually an aircraft modeler, but I do like race cars and this one particularly caught my eye. I started this one last summer in the garage of my son's temporary digs in Florida while on a visit.

This is the kit of the 2017 LeMans Ford GT. It's a great kit (to me anyway) with enough detail to be believable and not so much that it will drive you crazy. There are two boxings, one American and one from RoG. If you do this kit, get the RoG offering - the decals are better and the instruction booklet is much more comprehensive with better paint callouts and color painting guides. I got lucky in that a good friend in Florida had built the same kit and gave me the instruction book and his leftover decals. Paint colors are Model Master Italian Red and Blue Angel Blue, which may not be quite correct, but I had them and they looked good to me, so they they are. The white is the unpainted kit plastic. Follow the instructions and the kit goes together easily and well. One thing I found out the hard way is that the intercooler scoop above the rear window should stand just proud of the roof, which will require a little fiddling when trying to get the body attached.

A good kit, and once again, I had a fine time building it!

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6  Awesome 2 

5 responses

  1. A very nice Ford GT, Jaime, the colours look good to me and the decals are perfectly applied.

  2. Beautiful job, Jaime!

  3. That is some smooth paint my friend. Looks great

  4. Fantastic Ford GT, Jaime!

  5. Great result on this GT, Jaime @jetmex

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