98 articles · 9.5K karma · 45 friends · active 1 day, 21 hours ago

I returned to modeling several years ago after a long hiatus and courtship with RC scale modeling. I'm an aircraft maintenance control supervisor recently retired from the company formerly known as Continental Airlines. Been fortunate enough to work and fly on several WWII aircraft, which are my favorite subjects, especially the lesser known ones and the ones with oddball paint jobs.

What if - 21st century PT boat

Sometime in the near future - Central American and Mexican drug cartels, emboldened by tepid US government response, have become increasingly brash and daring, especially along the US Gulf coast. Drugs and humans are being smuggled in [...]

LeMans 2017 - Ford GT

It was time to do something different to pull myself out of a recent modeling funk, so after the Stoof, I pulled this little gem out of the pile. I'm usually an aircraft modeler, but I do like race cars and this one particularly caught my [...]

Cold War WarriorGrumman S2F Tracker

It's been a while since I've posted anything. I had a serious loss of modeling mojo over a bad (for here) winter, just really didn't feel like doing much of anything. That situation was remedied when one of my best friends sent me this [...]

Did someone say "vintage"?

Here are a few of mine. I like building the older kits, partly for nostalgic reasons and partly because I don't like having to build a landing gear strut out of ten plastic parts and two pieces of photo etch! Lindbergh 1/48 XFY-1 Pogo in [...]

Korean War Group BuildVought F4U-4 Corsair, Hobby Boss 1/72

Sometimes, things that weren't planned work out pretty well, and this was one of them. The spark for this one came from our club's contest theme for this year, Big and Little, in which the subject is built in two different scales with the [...]

IPMS Houston Model Mania!

The Houston, Texas, IPMS chapter will be holding its annual show / contest, Model Mania, on May 6, 2023 at the Stafford Center in Stafford, Texas. The show is open to all model types; aircraft, armor, automotive, naval, sci-fi, etc. This [...]

Cold War misfitTemco TT-1 Pinto, Aurora 1/48

The Temco (Texas Engineering and Manufacturing Company) was based in Dallas, and specialized mainly in producing aircraft parts for various other manufacturers. In the mid 50's The US Air Force issued a specification for a jet primary [...]

Empire of Japan Group BuildMitsubishi J2M3 Raiden, Tamiya 1/48

This started out as a Shelf of Doom build for my local model club as a way of jump starting some projects that had languished for too long. My original SOD is still in the box. This model was started by a unnamed modeler who was getting [...]

Cold War WarriorBoeing B-52, Bomber Command Group Build

When I resumed modeling a few years back, I decided to try to build airplanes that were significant to me, either airplanes I had flown and worked on, or those that just grabbed my attention. The Boeing B-52 holds a special place in my [...]

Cold War what ifHughes XF-11

The XF-11 was a long range reconnaissance aircraft designed by Howard Hughes and built by the Hughes Aircraft Company. Power was supplied by a pair of Pratt and Whitney 4360 radial engines. Although orders were received for 100 aircraft [...]