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1/48 SAAF Impala MK II

April 1, 2024 · in Aviation · · 14 · 300

Here's my build of the ESCI 1/48 Aermacchi MB-326K Impala in early SAAF colors.

Really nice kit with fine recessed panel lines and a good fit. The only after market added is the Neomega resin cockpit and Wolfpack MB MK6 ejection seat as the kit's lack any details or resemblance to the real thing.

Painting was done using Hataka lacquers and sealed with a coat of Alclad II Klear Kote Matte.

Build pictures here:

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6  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Excellent build and paintwork.

  2. She's a beaut! Very nice paintwork.

  3. Nice very nice

  4. That's an impressive entry to iModeler, Celliers @cwiechers
    You did a wonderful job on this Impala, well done.
    Welcome to this wonderful modelling community.

  5. Nice work. That seat looks awesome.

  6. Excellent job and super result, Celliers!
    Welcome aboard!

  7. Celliers jou Impala lyk FANTASTIES. Welgedaan!

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