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Charles King
130 articles

A 1/24 scale massey ferguson Farm tractor...

April 9, 2024 · in Diorama · · 20 · 154 renovation mode.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome 6  1 

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20 responses

  1. Yet another great piece, Charles. Some of those are still working in these parts.

  2. Very impressive, Charles @tiking
    This tractor definitely needs a renovation.
    The kind of tractor my granddad also had and the first one he let me ride on.
    Well done.

  3. That's a great piece Charles 😊 My dad used one of these in the early 70's when he worked at Cherry Orchard Farm in a village called Orsett in Essex England lovely model Charles 👍

  4. Very nice! Lots of realism. @tiking

  5. Honestly Charles, @tiking, you build some of the most interesting displays and diorama's of things I would never consider modeling. I really enjoy your offbeat and well exectuted builds. All the detail and excellent painting and weathering. This one is so simple yet so interesting.

  6. Awesome build! Beautiful weathering! And definitely a cool presentation. Old tractors are just cool.

  7. This kit provides a great starting point for your magic Charles. Is this the first one of these you've done?

  8. Great work on a classic tractor, Charles.

  9. Great looking Fergy 35 Charles, many fond and not so fond memories of them and the 135.

  10. Another awesome result, Charles!

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