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Graeme Street
18 articles

You Had to Have the BIG Sherman! (1/16 M4A3E8 AHH)

April 22, 2024 · in Armor · · 10 · 234

Hey everyone.

I've been working on this model here and there for over a year now. Most of you have probably guessed that I usually do German WW2 armor, so I decided to try something different and did the 1/16 from Andy's Hobby Headquarters. Pssssssst...I also have the 1/16 Tiger that's done, but I'll post that another time.

This of course is a really a Takom kit that teamed up with Andy. Smart. I've been a fan of Andy's youtube channel for years. Glad he's been able to team up to have power of his own line of products. I've had my ins and outs with Takom, but this kit was well done. Good engineering. Quality. The Tiger too. Not much really to say about the build, it just, well, built well. Large scale models present their own challenges. However if you love the subject in question, it's always fun to have a "BIG ONE." I've done at least 8 1/16 scale tanks over the years. Usually RC. They're tough to weather to scale, not to mention that it takes forever.

I decided to go with the green and black camo. And no, to my knowledge, there was no "Angst" nickname for any Easy Eight that I am aware of. I chose it to make the model my own, which I like to do when I get the chance. Not everything has to be historically accurate to me to be good, at least to me. I do enough of that. I felt that the definition of the word "Angst" was apropos for both the state of the world in 1944 as well as for the many young tankers that feared (and died) for their country sitting in these machines.

ANGST /äNG(k)st/: A feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.

Weathering was kept pretty minimal I guess. I thought about weathering the heck out of it and maybe someday I will come back and beat it up, but I like the cleaner look for this one and since I usually sell my larger scale models, I thought I wold keep it neutral to start and can always weather more if a customer wanted me to.

Anyway, hope you like it. Please share your thoughts, comments, or critiques. Yes, I am aware that the US did not usually have red fuel cans. However, green must have s splash of color. (Probably not helping with the "angst" of the crew though huh?)


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10  Awesome 4 

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10 responses

  1. Fantastic job on this big Sherman, Graeme!

  2. Lovely, just bloody lovely, Graeme! 🤩 Big, bad and so well done, that's one great big tank! 😁

  3. Job well done!

  4. Mission accomplished, Graeme @graemestreet
    A wonderful result on this Sherman.

  5. Even a medium tank is a monster in this scale, Graeme (@graemestreet). Well done.

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