Shand Mason Steam Driven Water Pumper Horse Drawn Vehicle
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Here is a 12th scale model of a Shand Mason Horse Drawn Water Pumper Fire Engine.
Totally SCRATCHBUILT, there are a few store bought nuts or bolts, but made most of the 12BA nuts and bolts myself.
Got sick and tired of listening to clowns who were slamming together per-formed store bought kits and then bragging their butt off about how good they are, that's why I started into SCRATCHBUILDING.
Timber used is Tasmanian Myrtle ( Nothafungus Cuninghamii ) for those that want to buy any of this special timber. It has virtually NO grain and can be used as 1 to 1 scale, right down to 1 / 50th scale and when you paint it, bugger all timber fur raises it's ugly head, so after undercoating the timber and when dry, just rub it down with an old toothbrush, that takes care of any tiny raised bits that dare appear.
I acquired some working drawings of the Shand Mason, drawn by Edgar Westbury quite few years ago. These are drawings he drew up to make a look like working scale model of the Shand Mason, they are drawn so a 1/6th scale working model could be made. They are NOT an accurate drawing at all, as far as the original Shand Mason was made too, they have a few oddities to the drawings, so that a 1/6th scale model could be used to pump water.
I had to rework all the dimensions on the drawings to be able to make it in 12 th scale, a bit of time wasted checking and rechecking all my altered measurements though. Once I had it all correct, then I just made this model which took over a year to eventually finish it, as I was working and only had limited time to get at it.
This model's drawings were even printed in an English magazine called “THE MODEL ENGINEER, July 1967", so these drawings have been around for decades and are still available if anybody is after them.
Had to do a tad of model engineering as well as becoming a Model Wainwright and a Model Wheelwright as well, making scale wooden spoked wheels and a wooden body as per the original sized vehicle only in miniature.
A few photo's to have a look at, showing a few shots of the progression of the model, only took photo's when I thought something might be interesting, sorry about that.
It has been made as a NON STEAMER, if I attempted to make a Steaming working model in 1/12th scale, then one crook thread anywhere on the model and it would become a BOMB, so it is a non steamer and just sits in a glass cupboard..
Here's a few pics, any questions then please ask ?
11 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Marvelous work, Graham, and beautifully finished.
Amazing work - you fail to mention all the lettering, I take it that as hand painted?
No, it's only home made decals, got an old computer with XP and shoved in a CorelDraw program and then printed out on decal paper using an ALPS MD-5500 printer.
Well, still, you had to design it, and it looks great.
Amazing work, Graham!
Very impressive. Wish I had the skill and patience to do something like this.
Wow - that's spectacular modeling!
Really impressive work you finished here but I can't help thinking that the "clowns slamming together pre formed store bought kits" is us...Just saying.
Your red nose and makeup are in the dressing room, Neil. See you there later.
Absolutely stunning work Graham!
Nice work, of which you should be proud.
But you should be embarrassed by your snotty, holier-than-thou insult aimed at those who don't build from scratch.
You might want to remember that in modeling, no matter how good you are, someone else is better.
Thanks for taking the time to say t hat. Saved me the effort and you said it better.
You did excellent in scratchbuilding this vehicle, Graham @radishus4
What paint did you use to get that shiny boiler unit?
No paint, just polished up the brass and clear coated it.
That's a stunner! well done
Nice machining.