Asian Canis...1/48 North American F-86D Sabre Dog, Philippine Airforce

June 8, 2024 · in Aviation · · 9 · 351


After my dad finished the F-35 5th generation fighter, now back to something oldschool.
The nice Revell Germany kit of the Sabre Dog, markings from Hi-Decal (thanks to Diego from Hi-Decal for providing them). The sheet comes only with few stencils, the kit ones don´t completely match the Philippine version, so added some more stencils from the sparesbox that looked similar.
The Philippine airforce used tanks with "Stuka" fins, the kit has only ones with horizontal fins. Took the correct ones from the Revell Mk.6/CL-13 Sabre kit. TACAN antennas came from a Hasegawa F-86F-40 kit.
Painted the anti-corrosion area on the belly with Mr Paint White Aluminium mixed with a drop of the grey primer, the rest of the fuselage with MRP Super Silver, inner wing areas with MRP White Aluminium, exhaust area with MRP Steel and airbrakes with AK RC Aluminium.

Build thread here

In 1958 (or 1960?), twenty F-86Ds were delivered to the Philippine Air Force under the provisions of the MDAP. They were withdrawn from service by 1970.

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10  Awesome 2 

21 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Very nice indeed, Reini! 🍺 Your dad builds an admirable variety of aircraft and does a great job no matter which era he's in! 👏 And at last, I see another Philippines Airforce scheme; my Testors F-5A, built so long ago, was the rare example on most forums. 🙂

  2. Sharp looking Dog.

  3. Excellent Sabre dog, Reinhard!
    Excellent build thread, as well!

  4. Beautiful work on this Sabre, Reinhard @grimreaper
    The weathered NMF looks really nice.

  5. Beautiful NMF Sabre Dog.
    Nice piece of work!

  6. This really came out well, Reinhard (@grimreaper). The paint and finish is exceptionally well done. It was a pleasure following along on your build.

  7. Great looking build! Thanks for sharing.


  8. Reinhard (@grimreaper), well done on your Sabre Dog, the finish is superb.

  9. Another beauty, and love that scheme, especially the white tail - a different look for an F-86.

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