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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Hasegawa 1/48 Hurricane Mk. IIb

June 23, 2024 · in Aviation · · 22 · 273

Hasegawa's 1/48th scale model captures well the lines of the . Yet, sparse cockpit details, somewhat problematic fit of wings to fuselage and a "floating" canopy in the open position prevent it from being a favorite build.

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11  Awesome 3 

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22 responses

  1. Excellent job on the now classic Hasegawa Mk.IIb, Rafi! As always, your painting and weathering are second to none!
    Well done!

  2. The Squadron vac canopy for t he Hurricane solves the problem.

    HL795 V-Victor must have been the only Hurricane IIb in North Africa. You did it here, I did it with my Arma Hurri IIB, and Arma has done it as the boxart airplane for their new Tropical Hurricane IIb kit. 🙂

  3. Maybe not your favorite build, but definitely a fine result, Rafi @blackmopane
    May I ask how you created that dusty look on the tires.

    • Thank you John.
      To create a dusty effect on tires I use Tamiya's acrylic tire black as a base. Then, for a desert effect I use a highly alcohol diluted tan color. The crust of paint is extremely matt in this manner.

  4. Nice Hurricane, Rafi. Excellent paintwork. I like the Hasegawa kit and have built a couple of them. I did somehow manage to wreck a third one a few years back because the wings just didn’t fit. I ended up with steps on both sides and to this day have no idea what I did wrong. That was unusual because I usually recognize the causes of mistakes pretty quickly.

  5. That's why anybody who is anybody puts Squadron vac canopies on their Hasegawa Hurris. (Only messin' with ya). You have done a superb job on this, the paint job and weathering are just about desert perfect.

  6. Yes, this looks great. The weathering is very effective.

  7. Great paintwork and weathering! I had similar canopy problems with my Hasegawa Hurricanes, I used
    them as patterns to heat-smash new ones.

  8. Very good! I kind of regret selling my two Hasegawa Hurricanes a few years back. I was anticipating Arma turning out a 48th scale version sooner than it happened. And you're right, they are expensive. Still, I intend to buy one, as soon as they turn out the Mk.IId w/40mm cannons. Yours looks great!

  9. You did a great job here.
    I built a Hasegawa Hurricane some time ago as a gift to a friend whose uncle died in the defence of Malta. Like you I made the decision of opening the canopy, and had the same issue you had.
    I dare say your solution looks better than mine:

  10. A great-looking Hurricane, and never disappointed to see one in desert camo!

  11. G’day Rafi (@blackmopane),
    This is a great build.
    I bought a Hasegawa IIb recently so will have to look out for that wing join.

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