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John J Licht
13 articles

1/35 Tamiya FLAKPANZER IV Wirbelwind

July 1, 2024 · in Armor · · 3 · 219

Vehicle represents a late war autumn SSLAH FLAKPANZER IV with crew. Paint scheme is taken from Takom Tiger II with late war dark yellow, soft edged brown and hard edged white. kit built straight from the box, airbrushed with Tamiya paints and brush painted with Vallejo. Kit included figures were painted with Vallejo paints and are shown wearing reversible autumn oak camo/white winter uniforms. Weathering was done using hairspray chipping, AK products and Vallejo pigments. Next project is a Krupp Protze 6X4.

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5  Awesome 1 

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3 responses

  1. It's a nice build of a decent kit. I built this kit too, but didn't do as good a job weathering it as I made a few weathering mistakes (like forgetting to dirty up the inner portion of the drive sprockets.)

  2. Great Flakpanzer, John @atjoe
    The painting and weathering is beautifully done.

  3. Excellent job, John!

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