1/72 Academy Curtiss P-40M

July 23, 2024 · in Aviation · · 8 · 185

In this article I'll show the Curtiss P-40M kit from the 112nd sqn. (a.k.a. "Sharkmouth Squadron") that I finished by february this year. I built this kit almost simultaneously with my Revell Hurricane Mk.IIc because both had to be painted with the same main camouflage colours (Mid Stone, Dark Earth and Azure Blue.) In this way I've found that one saves paint, thinner and time, specially if the paints are applied with an airbrush.

This Academy kit could also be built as a P-40N, with one set of decals for an Australian airplane and another set for one of the USA. It's a very good kit, I just had a little trouble to make the sharkmouth decals conform to the contours of the nose, several applications of decal setting solution were needed. I also replaced the decals for the roundels that go over the top of the main wings with other decals because the ones from the kit were oversized.

This is the second kit I've built, the first one was an Academy P-40E from the USA that was finished four years ago. It's also my third kit from the RAF "Sharkmouth Squadron", the first one was an Airfix Vampire FB.5 that was finished almost ten years ago, while the second one was a Hasegawa Mustang III that was finished four years ago. These three kits were all published on the Aircraft Resource Center site.

Greetings from Caracas, Venezuela.

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8 responses

  1. A great looking P-40, Orlando!
    Well done!

  2. Great performance on this Sharkmouth P40, Orlando @osucre
    Good idea to save paint by building two at the same time which use the same camouflage colors.

  3. Great little P-40. I really love desert camo schemes. Yours turned out beautiful, nice work, Orlando. I always love seeing more P-40s!

  4. Nicely done Orlando.

  5. Thanks to all of you for these encouraging comments!

  6. A very neat build in my favourite scale!

  7. Nicely done! It is a good kit, I've done the M and N. but the kit decals are awful.

  8. Another very nice build. I'm a big fan of desert schemes. I hadn't thought about duo builds in similar schemes to cut time and effort in painting - I'll have to give that idea some thought! Anything to help me accomplish more completed builds...

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