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Charles King
128 articles

The Yard

July 6, 2024 · in Diorama · · 30 · 237

This scene is similar to somewhere or anywhere in the world. If you have seen something similar or very similar than you know what I mean. The scale is 1:35.

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome 2  9 

27 additional images. Click to enlarge.

30 responses

  1. Wow. Another great dio of you. The first picture, I thougt was a photo of a real scene. Just the closeups of the superb vegetation (from natural plants) and the figures revealed that it is "just" a model.

  2. Love the details and the photos, Charles, nice change of scale for you.

  3. Stupendous! ๐Ÿ™‚ Just the amount of time and effort this must have taken to get this level of realism, wow! That first photo would pass easily for the real thing. Many of the others as well. I'm looking at this and noticing all the smaller details and thinking to myself how something like this would take me a decade or longer to reproduce and there is no way I could do it to this level. Bravo,I mean, bravo. Well Done.

  4. At first i thought it was real. Charles @tiking, have you ever considered making filmsets for stop motion/animation films? Your work is beautiful!

  5. Count me in for thinking it is rea scenery, Charles!

  6. Both the workmanship and presentation are awesome.

  7. WONDERful piece. It's hard to believe "there are many others better..."

  8. Count me in with what everyone else has said. Your work is so realistic and convincing, Charles.

  9. Aside from the obvious outstanding quality of the dio itself, how about a shout out for the photography!

    • Thanks a lot Guy. Not a photography person but I di try to get the angles right to bring out the realism in every photo. Thanks for the thumbs-up. My old Hawei from 2016 seems to still working to the last end. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Speechless again, Charles @tiking
    Your diorama modelling is really outstanding.
    Also the photoshoot is fantastic, the sunshine and shadows give it an even more realistic look.

  11. This is really next level diorama construction!
    Amazing details and photography.
    A true piece of art, well done.

  12. Spectacular diorama. Looks like a lot of work went into all that detail, it don't get much more realistic than that!

  13. CRAZY! well done, Charles

  14. As much as all the pieces of machinery, trailer, drums and other paraphernalia are amazingly realistic, I think the grasses and plants help convey the overall realism of the diorama.

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