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Steve Oakson
37 articles

Yak 9M

July 6, 2024 · in Aviation · · 4 · 266

This is the kit. A very nice kit and pretty simple to build compared to what I usually do.

  • While doing research for a color scheme, I came across one depicted on Massimo Tessatori's Russian aircraft website that really got my attention. This is the Yak 9M flown by P Y Golovachev in 1945.

  • To me, the picture shows an ace of spades and arrow decoration that were likely hand painted and slightly crude. Therefore, I cut out the circle, triangle, white arrow parts from white decal paper. The red arrow was also cut from white decal paper that had been painted a different red than the stars. The arrow was made “cruder” to look like it was hand painted by the crew.

  • The kit was painted in typical Russian grey topsides and blue undersides. Interior is in the “steel” grey looking color. Side wall detail colors are painted in colors that were dictated for different purposes

  • AK, Tamiya, Model Master paints used. EZ line was used for antenna wires

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Love the plane. love the build. Well done. Most people don't realize those unit/personal markings were not painted on by professional graphic artists. I like your "downgrade".

  2. Excellent job and a really great result, Steve!
    Well done!

  3. You did a great job on this one, Steve @jimmiesteve
    Nice idea on the handpainted decorations

  4. Very nice, and the markings look great.

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