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Doug Thost
7 articles

Messerschmitt Bf109 E-7/B, Eduard 1/48 scale

September 1, 2024 · in Aviation · · 12 · 155

Finally, a 109 in the collection. I've always admired the graphic design of the Wespen, and many decades ago I had a 1/72 Hasegawa kit that never quite made it to the finish line. So when I saw this version in a slightly less fiddly 1/48th scale, I had to have a go at it. I made a few mistakes along the way, particularly with the canopy, but ultimately, I'm not too unhappy with how it's come out. The kit is intended to show off the engine and machine guns, but I really wanted the whole thing covered up to show off the Wespen insignia, which took a bit of work.

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14  Awesome 1 

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12 responses

  1. Really nice work on the painting and markings.

    Funny thing: the Eduard Bf-109E has the exact same dimensional problems that resulted in the planet-wide excoriation of Eduard when they released their first iteration of the Bf-109G-6 back in 2012 that caused them to go back and re-engineer the whole kit and then re-release it, but nobody's ever said a word about the 109E kit.

  2. A great-looking 109! Great choice of scheme and markings.

  3. Excellent result, Doug!

  4. Very nice Ehrich Model.

  5. That's a fine looking Emil, Doug @doug
    I do like the chosen scheme and the way you applied it a lot.

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