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Djordje Colovic
57 articles

1/72 Airfix North American B-25C Mitchell

October 19, 2024 · in Aviation · 13 · 114

Since it’s debut in 2018. this model was in my sight. But everytime I decided to buy and make something different. Finally I decided to do Mitchell. I’ve been thinking about scale and manufacturer and finally I’ve decided to obtain latest Airfix box on B25. Why I did this? The main reason was I didn’t want overenginered model which would took me eternity to be build, and I didn’t want model bigger than 72nd scale. I like doing 32nd and 48th scale, but I wanted to do something relaxing and relatively fast.

Airfix is well known manufacturer, almost no problems with build and fitting. Clear parts took me 2 days because of masking and fitting, because cockpit parts, for me, didn’t fit to fuselage as I wanted so I did some surgery. Every other part sits correctly and without any problems. I must add that landing gear is somehow very soft and You must be carefull with them. Also, I must say that there is simply not so much empty space for putting weight inside the model so I had to use engine parts to add some lead and to avoid tail sitting. The best place for adding lead is in nose area, but there is not enough place for it.So, in that part of the build I was really disappointed.

I decided to do it in USA markings, simply because I didn’t like USSSR markings and simple green painting scheme. I did some scratch inside the cockpit, I made some seatbelts and buckles. I didn’t want to do some more scratching inside the cockpit, simply because nothing is really visible once You close the canopy and paint it.

I did black base and white marble preshade and then I sprayed some of my mixes of desert color. Decaling did some problems, but it was my fault. Decals are too soft and I ruined some of them during decaling process and then I had to do some masking and painting, also on some painting parts paint fell off and I had to sand and repaint, but it was not big tempetation. And as always AK masks for curves did so much mess from it’s glue so I had to repolish every single clear part.

I’ve decided to do some weathering, but soft and with some reasonable touch, and I tried not to overweather the Mitchell simply because I don’t like overweathered models.

Cheers and enjoy, every comment is welcome.

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15  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. Great-looking B-25, Djordje (@sheol). A Mitchell in desert camo is always cool, but your very effective paint and weathering really take this to a new level. Well done.

  2. Love your B-25, Djordje!

    • Thank You, Spiros!
      I finally found some spare time for hobby, I was ordained to Orthodox Deacon, between my Service and teaching work I finally found some time for modelling 🙂

  3. That's one fine looking Mitchell. Well done, Djordje.

  4. Djordje, This is really nice, great paint scheme and your paint work gives it a very realistic appearance.

  5. This Mitchell is an absolute beauty, Djordje @sheol
    I really like how the paintwork turned out.

  6. Very solid work in this. Great job!

  7. That's a beautiful Mitchell! Well done.

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