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Charles King
128 articles

'Kwame needs his rest'

November 1, 2024 · in Diorama · · 12 · 158

I'm personally liking this so far. Not the absolute best but for my capabilities, with figure painting, I like the results. Just need to clean up a little in some areas but the end results are looking positive. At least in my eyes.

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9  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. @tiking - This is excellent work Charles! Your detail work is fantastic.

  2. That's cool, Charles! 😊 I like the kid peering out the window! πŸ‘

  3. Wonderful as always, Charles @tiking
    Out of curiosity, did you re-use the house from your 'can't play outside, today' diorama, or is it rebuilt.
    Nevertheless, it looks great.

    • Hi John. Yes. I have been redoing som older vignettes and dioramas of late to improve on them. I removed the building from the last vignette and placed it on a new base. πŸ™‚

  4. Your figures look very good to me, Charles.

  5. Great looking figures, Charles@tiking. Adds a whole new dimension to your already great vehicle dioramas.

  6. Excellent job, as always utterly realistic, Charles!

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