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Korolev Vlad
53 articles

Sopwith 2F1 "Ships Camel"

November 10, 2024 · in Aviation · · 18 · 190

Sopwith 2F1 "Ships Camel" ГОТОВО

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome 3  2 

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Beautiful job!
    Such petite rigging! thanks for the historical photos


  2. Impressive build, Korolev @korolev-vlad
    Especially considering this tiny scale.

  3. Well done, Korolev.

  4. Excellent result, Korolev!

  5. Gorgeous! I really like the engine turned simulation on the interior of the forward fuselage.

  6. As always, beautiful work on this scale.

  7. That's one neat Camel, well done.

  8. Korlev, @korolev-vlad, that is really and incredible build in such a small scale. What scale is it that the fuselage is only as long as a match stick? I avoid biplanes due to rigging and looking at your build the fineness of your rigging is amazing. A really admirable build for sure!

  9. Nicely done Vlad, looks good.

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