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Chuck Horner
3 articles

Pro-Modeler F-86D-40

January 23, 2025 · in Aviation · · 28 · 310

This is my F-86D-40-NA from . Markings are for the 498th FIS, Geiger Field, Washington and is built Out-of-Box with no aftermarket parts. The model is painted with Tamiya Lacquer silvers and I used the alternate kit decals.

The base is a wood plaque with a glued, printed cement ramp section, enhanced with various paints and washes. The wheel chocks are angled plastic rods with thread "ropes". The static ground cable is ,010 lead wire. The "remove before flight" flags come from an old Experts-Choice decal sheet, except they are not decals but just printed on paper. They are designed to be cut and folded. I dip them in a clear gloss, like Future, to seal them.

As an interesting aside, sometime in my travels, I also picked up the Revell of Germany's release and it's not the same. Where the Monogram/Pro-Modeler is a "-40" the Revell of Germany is the same kit, except it's a"-31" (foreign export markings) or "-60" (US markings). The external difference that I can see is the addition of a drag-chute housing at the base of the vertical tail and and modified trim tab.

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17  Awesome 6 

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

28 responses

  1. Excellent build, Chuck @charleshorner
    I do like those details like 'remove before flight' tags and the wheel blocks.
    A nice little base as well.

  2. I have both issues of the kit and one has an a-bomb as I recall and the PM one a tractor. Although I have not built it the test fitting shows it to have excellent fit as good as the PM F-84 or any Tamiya kit. Too bad Monogram did not release an F-86F with the same wings.

    • Thanks, Kevin.
      Yes, the PM has a tractor. My version of the Revell of Germany does not have any bombs but there might be other releases that did. The fit was excellent and is why I didn't even consider aftermarket stuff. The D model has many of the features of the H model. I wish they had done that one as well.

  3. Beautiful Dog Sabre and very nice base, Chuck!

  4. Awesome work all around. NMF looks authentic: good sheen but toned down to suggest some rugged living. Congrats.

  5. Nice work and a solid result.

    Just don't sit it next to any other Sabre model, or Monogram's big boo-boo over the wing sweep angle (2 degrees off) becomes really obvious.

  6. Nicely done, Chuck. Great display

  7. Very nice modelling. Everything looks perfect. A realistic base for the win!

  8. You nailed this chuck !

  9. Excellent build, Chuck. The base and add-ons are done very well, really compliment the plane.

  10. Thanks to Don, Paul, and Joe for your kind words. I'm very pleased with the way the base and model came together. I have since made some more bases for other kits.

  11. A super build Chuck. Pro Modeler / Revell at their best, with just one niggle. Lovely detail, great fit and you have presented it perfectly 👌

  12. A fantastic build, Chuck. Congrats.
    Really like the base and added details, the model surely comes alive with these additions. Top notch!

  13. Great looking build! Thanks for sharing.


  14. Nice work, Chuck. I’ve had one of those in the stash for 20 years. I hope to finally build it this year.

  15. Nicely done! Love the Dog, best looking F-86, to me.

  16. Must Love Dogs (?) This one makes that easy. It is a really nice rendition. Great NMF.

  17. Great F-86, congrats. And base is just what it needs.

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