Eastern Workhorse...1/48 Ural 4320 with ZU-23-2, Russian Army

February 21, 2025 · in Armor · · 2 · 85



My dad continues this year with quarter scale armour. Here´s his latest completion.

The Ural 4320 cargo and starter truck dual kit was Initially released by Kitty Hawk in 2020. Last year it was re-released under the Zimi Model label.
For a Kitty Hawk kit, the fit wasn´too bad. The major chassis and cargo bed parts were warped. With the help of warm water and a heater, my dad could bend them more or less in a normal position.

Because an empty cargo truck looks a bit boring, I remembered, that I had a Russian flak kit somewhere in the stash.
The ZU-23-2 kit is from the Ukrainian company Ace. The molding is a bit crude, the plasic slightly brittle, fit average and the instructions a bit vague.

The truck is painted with Tamiya XF-81 RAF Dark Green and the AA gun with AK RC (old ones) Grey-Green.

Btw, does anybody know what these things left and right on the hood in front of the cabin are? They look like some kind of lights. Have seen them on real Ural trucks only on the ones with the Grad rocket launcher.

Build thread here

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2  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

2 responses

  1. Excellent result, Reinhard! An Army friend of mine told me these might supports for radio antennas?

  2. Superb build once again by your dad, Reinhard @grimreaper
    No clue what those units are, maybe some experts on iModeler might know.

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