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jim wasley
18 articles

The unusual

May 12, 2017 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2K

There has been some talk about something different on some of my feed backs well this fits the bill,its a bf109,a friend gave me the kit sometime back and I I mostly build aircraft in .I saw something like this in an Aussie mag,so an idea hatched and I dug into my spares and this is what came out of it,got to say I had great fun building it no rules to follow and I must say I broke a few,I put the guns on the front upside down a nice V8 in the back with free style pipes,the figure has a scarf made out of foil,he`s just blowing the breeze(so cool HA HA.) would love to have one of these to drive around town would blow off some of those traffic jams,but alas the boys in blue here would lock me away.If they could catch me lol,feel free to pick it to pieces or just enjoy Thanks.P.S. I put it in Aviation not to upset anyone,its part auto,armor,but about 75% would be aircraft.

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5  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. BRILLIANT! - Love it, well done.

  2. Thanks Carl thought I might put the cat among the pigeons.

  3. Unusual, hmmmm, I'm not so sure !, a friend of mine use to drive something like to High School !.
    Jim, this is why modeling is fun. Looks great !

  4. Mad Max on steroids! Like it a lot Jim, appears you had some fun putting her well.

  5. Tom stole my line about Mad Max and Steroids, but least nobody can tell you the kit's "wrong" in some aspect or another. Spare parts boxes, here I come! 🙂 🙂

    • Spare boxes yes mine are overflowing,I have no one to share mine with,I live in a small beach side town with no model club or model shops have to by all on line.Post cost is killing me.

  6. Wow, Jim! Steampunk Messerschmidt! Great stuff!

  7. Exhausts with mufflers? I's a very civilised "car-bird" indeed. Great one 🙂

  8. my neighbours are elderly and I do try and keep the noise down.HA HA! Thanks Gabor.

  9. Thank you for loving it. Roberto

  10. Fun! Nice change of pace.

  11. Thanks Greg yes as I said it was a nice change not to follow any directions just let my imagination do the work,think this is why i enjoyed the build so much.

  12. Ja das vas goot mine tink

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