18 articles · 2K karma · 5 friends · active 1 year, 8 months ago

I am retired have been building models for many years do it for enjoyment not to please others just myself,I break the rules sometimes but that is the fun of modeling.I have built planes,cars but I enjoy AFV in 1/35 scale.I live in Australia.N.S.W

Decal search

Can anyone help with a decal search,I'm after a decal set for the pictured aircraft,in 1/72 scale,don't know if a set exists,have tried but so far no luck.Thanks for any Help!

Skoda 30.5cm

This was a quick little build(1/35 Takom kit)had the idea when I first saw it, was going to add it into a dio,(still thinking)it almost fell together out of the box detailing was up to the standed of Takom kits just had to add some bolt [...]

1/35 A Pair of Beauties

I have seen some fine looking coloured aircraft of late so being a tank builder I thought it was time we saw a pair of colourful tanks for a change,The BMPT nicknamed Terminator is Russian,it exceeds 2 motorized rifle platoons and includes [...]

Monkey Business.

This is a True Story my wife and I always go for a walk on the beach,and sometimes we have silly people who drive their cars on the sand,well this day we had this mad man drive his car a little to close to us so as you can see by the pic I [...]

1/48 Sabre F-86F-30

Have been working to finish this build all week,I know how you guys like aircraft,it is an Academy kit and a lovely build,just one little bit of bad luck it had a crack in the clear cockpit other than that it was an easy build,I've had it [...]

1/10 scale Figure

I've got to thank all the fine modelers who have posted articles it has inspired me to finish this project,It is a subject that has always fascinated me I have a book on the Weapons of the Waffen SS and this soldier is on the front cover [...]

1/35 Modern Armour

It's a wet ,wet weekend down here,some local flooding so I have been poking around in the garage building kits,and I dug out this pair for Jeffry and Louis,both modern Military men,4X4 MRAP(Mine Resistant Armour Protected) it's a Kinetic [...]

1/72 Ilyushin IL-28 Bomber (h-5 Bomber)

This is a Trumpeter Kit,I bought on line for $1.99cents,yes cheap,and that's what the kit reflected,Trumpeter I read took over some kits from Italeri,and this was some of their early tooling.all guide pins had to be sanded,and so many [...]

1/35 LAV(A)-2

Hope you fly guys don't mind if I throw a sea land vehicle in as these guys fought in the Pacific,the kit is a Italeri, it went together on it's own it was that easy,I used some artistic licence with this kit,so please enjoy it as it is [...]

M4 Sherman (early production)

Hi new month,new model,well almost I have been working on this one for some months, keep digging it out and putting more on or a little more detail,thought I would put it up for show then I may walk away from it,I do this with my [...]