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Geir Andersen
32 articles

Marder III

November 30, 2018 · in Armor · · 13 · 2.3K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Marder III
  2. Marder III diorama

This is my first entry at and this is my first plastic model built for over 50 years. When I built my cheap Airfix kits as a kid, it was more about getting the model glued and slap on the decals. No one had ever heard of weathering or taking time detailing.

This kit is the from . A great kit as far as I can tell, and it went together very easily. The reason for selecting this kit is that I had so much fun playing the Marder tank destroyer in the online game World of Tanks.

Al in all I'm happy with my build but would appreciate any pointers on building my next kit even better.

Thank you for watching.

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5  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. You picked a great vehicle, Geir and yours is a great come-back after many years! I really like your fine camo pattern.
    Unless I'm mistaken, that Marder III has the Czech 38 tank chassis which is considered to have been one of the finest of the war and was one of several German/Czech combo vehicles.
    Weapons by the finest German arms companies added to fine Czech automotive chassis. Quite a combo!

  2. Really great work Geir especially as a first in 50 years! Love the camo as Jeff says - did you use masking products and an airbrush or just really fine brushwork to do it? For your next AFV perhaps a little more mud/dirt effects on the tracks?

    • Thank you, Justin.

      For the camo, I used as you expected an airbrush. My economy is a bit better now than it was when I was seven, so I bought an airbrush setup. As for the masking I used Thinking Putty as the normal Silly Putty is not available in Norway. It worked like a charm and I will be using this setup in the future.

      As for the dirt on the track, I totally agree. I’m planning on trying my luck on my first diorama and some more dirt will probably be added at that stage.

      Thanks for your feedback!

  3. Those two crewmen look like they've just spotted an incoming Shturmovik, or P-47, or Typhoon. You can see panic in their eyes.

    Very nice work overall. It IS like riding a bicycle.

  4. Thank you, Tom.
    50 years ago there was no Youtube loaded with tutorials and information. So builders now have an easier way to success than back then.
    Then again, there is some pretty amazing work done even then.
    Even the glue is better now. I remember getting my models covered with glue lines and my fingers stuck πŸ™‚
    Thanks for your feedback.

  5. πŸ™‚ … Greetings … πŸ™‚ :
    Welcome to the forum Geir .
    Nice work on that Marder , for a modeler who has been away from the hobby, you have done well.

  6. Oh yea...very nice piece of armor modeling. Good overall job!

  7. A great build! I think you could give pointers on builds.

  8. Really great work Geir, a half century "break" is not a problem for you for sure.
    I returned to modeling after a 53 year break in January. You're an inspiration to
    keep improving skills. Build on !

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