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Josef Rössner
69 articles

F-14 1/48 Italeri TOP GUN

December 27, 2018 · in Aviation · 4 · 3.5K

On 2017 i posted here my step by step coloring F.-14, and i forgot my final work sorry 🙂 This is it 🙂

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Well done, Josef! She's a beauty!

  2. A great-looking Tomcat! The mottling of the paint work looks excellent - nice worn flavor. Well done.

  3. Terrific Tomcat! The real star of that movie.

  4. Hello Josef,
    My compliments with this well weathered F-14.
    What I like the most is a manned cockpit.
    Regards, Dirk

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