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David Kopielski
74 articles

1/48 Accurate Miniatures SB2U-2 Vindicator VS-72

February 29, 2020 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.5K

This is the 1/48 Accurate Miniatures SB2U-2 Vindicator. I the Eduard photo etch detail set. The scheme is the Centaur Vampires of VS-72 assigned to the USS Wasp (CV-7) that operated in the Atlantic Ocean during WWII. I used Vallejo paints for the first time on this kit.Also the decals were the kit decals however they decals sheet did not have the squadron logo for the side of the fuselage so I made my own decals. You can see all the build details and photos in my build log

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13  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Nicely done David,

  2. Nice work, David. If you ever get a chance, visit the museum at Pensacola. The sole remaining Vindicator is on display and it’s one of the real highlights of the many treasures preserved there.

  3. Really nice work on this. Having done several, I know the kit's not easy-peasy, and you have gotten a great result.

  4. Really good build of a great but slightly fiddly kit.

  5. Good looking build!

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