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Jay Mitchell
35 articles

A-7 Corsair II

November 21, 2020 · in Photo Collections · · 14 · 2.7K
This article is part of a series:
  1. My Photo collection
  2. F-100 Super Sabre pictures
  3. A-7 Corsair II
  4. Miscellaneous

These A-7s belonged to the Colorado Air Guard's 140 TFG and Oklahoma's 138 TFG. A-7s were the first live aircraft I worked on as an “ Airframe Repair Specialist”, as the Air Force liked to call people like me.

The aircraft with “970” on its inlet cover is now in the Air Force Museum in Ohio. It has been painted in the markings it wore during the Vietnam war.

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8  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. SLUFs, on my first tour in the Navy I learned to dodge the A-7E. The maneater "Anderson, you look in the cockpit, if you see a pilot, you assume it's turning, if it's turning you stay away from the nose". I still remember ducking down in the catwalk, wrapping my fingers in the grating and feeling that intake suck at me as one came up on power with its' nose above us making a turn...

    • Rob @robertandy ,I remember hearing at least one unfortunate person in an Air Guard unit that was sucked in to the engine. We were taught to stay clear of the front if it was running.

      • Great photos! I danced around them on the flight deck too, you didn't want to cross in front of one and you had to time it just right when ducking under the rear fuselage to avoid the exhaust. I saw them load out a nuke once an A-7 on the hanger deck with the Marines guarding the exercise.

  2. Lovely pics, Jay, of a plane that was used extensively by the Hellenic Air Force too.
    Love all camo variations I saw!
    SLUF they call it, but it's a beauty to my eyes: maybe "it's so ugly it's beautiful..."

    • Spiros @fiveten , It was called a Sluf by us too! Certainly not as beautiful as its older brother, the F-8 Crusader.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  3. I met a Airforce A-7 tech while volunteering at a retirement home. One of his comments about the aircraft is that the early models had nose cones that would build up a static charge and once on the ground the person with the screw driver would soon find themselves on the ground facing up wards towards the stars. They made the nose cone with another material or found a better way to ground the thing. Prior to his working on A-7s he worked on Thuds state side during Vietnam. Once the U.S. pulled all of the Thuds out of Nam they were taken to his base for reassignment. Just having met this guy (Vet) and listening to his life story has always been a inspiration for modeling. Thanks for the photos Jay.

  4. Stephen @stephen-w-towle...
    I’ve know a few people that had worked on F-105s... by the time I joined , most of the century series was gone.
    I’m glad you liked the photos. Once I’m gone from this earthly plane, no telling what’ll happen to my picture collection.., I thought I’d try to share them while I’m able.

  5. Beautiful aircraft! Here in Greece we love them like crazy!

    • How long did Greece operate the A-7, Dionysios ?

      • From 1974 my friend untill the last flight in a parade in 2014.
        fly low hit hard my friend...

        1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

        • I believe my Air Guard unit in Oklahoma was the last American operator of A-7, they left in 1993 and were replaced with the F-16C. Amazing to think that’s been 27 years ago! Most of our A-7s were taken to a target range to be blown up , a sad ending. One was given to a mechanic’s school and three were saved to display on military museums in the state.

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