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Paul sutton
24 articles

Gundam robot suit

March 13, 2021 · in Sci-fi · · 6 · 2.1K

This is a little diorama featuring a Bandai mobile suit (i honestly cant remember which one).
The robot is 1/60 while the figures are 1/72 so not an exact match but fairly close.
The suit is built pretty much out of the box with the only addition being some decals from the spares box to liven up the colour scheme.
The figures are Italieri 1/72 insurgents, while the base is completely scratch built from bits of insulation foam and gypsum plaster.
I thought i would give the suit a heavily worn look so made extensive use of chipping varnish applied over a metallic base layer. Weathering was a combination of enamel washes and weathering pigments.
The gun was originally painted using AK metallics which i think are excellent metallic paints, however i found that they don't accept enamel or white spirit based washes very well. These basically rubbed off the metallic paint. Maybe i should have sealed them with a varnish first. Anyway i reworked the gun using metallic pigments.
Craters were made by using liquid glue on the foam to melt a suitable looking shallow hole which was then sprayed a dark gray. I liberally distributed rubble around them using PVA glue to secure it and then used a combination of airbrushed lighter gray shades and weathering pigments to blend it all together.
The rubble was made by mixing gypsum plaster with acrylic paint and water and then pouring it onto a piece of plastic card and spreading it out into a thin layer to let it dry. When dry you just bend the plasticard and the thin plaster breaks up into nice looking rubble.
The wrecked building is just thin pieces of insulation foam stuck together with PVA and again, liberally covered with rubble.

Hope you like it


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7  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Great build! I like the "csi-fi feel" of this scene a lot!

  2. Love your build too, Paul!
    Excellent diorama tecniques!

  3. Very nicely done. The scratch diorama scene looks great, as does the Gundam.

  4. Not a Gundam fan, but I am a fan of the excellent work on demonstration here.

  5. many thanks for the kind comments

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