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Amari Luu
38 articles


July 8, 2021 · in Armor · · 8 · 2.9K

Out of the US heavy tanks prototypes of WW2, the T29 is one of my favorite due to its large rangefinders. This is also my first time building a model and I enjoyed it very much. While building, I also heard the story of and IS2 named Revenge so that's the name I gave this tank. This is also the first time I used oil paints on a model.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Nice job on this, Amari!

  2. Looks nice mate. Hadn't seen one of these before.
    Like you I'm fairly new to Takom, and find them really good.

  3. Great build, Amari.

  4. Terrific T29 Amari @themturtles, you seem to have used the oils very well, the finish is excellent, definitely liked.

  5. Nice work, Amari. That’s a vehicle that I’ve never heard of before.

  6. Excellent work @themturtles! That's a great tank model! I like it a lot. 🙂

  7. Super-realistic. And very special weathering work, Amari.

  8. Really nice work, Amari. Your results are moving forward with seven-league boots.

    This is really nice. I don't think I ever heard of this before, it looks great.

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