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chuck brumm
4 articles

1/48 Revell F-89J converted to a F-89H

September 15, 2021 · in Aviation · · 10 · 1.7K

Hey all,

Finished this one yesterday. This kit has a long history with me. Originally completed some years ago but never liked the finish. In the last few months in between other projects I decided to redo the kit.

The kit was stripped down, the raised panel lines rescribed (never again btw, that about killed my mojo!). Some pilot figures in the spares box that seemed to fit the period were added and to finish it off wingtip pods from Flying S Models were added for the F-89H conversion.

Enjoy the pics!

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Nice redo! Always liked the look of the Scorpion, looks great!

  2. Very nice scheme and model.

    I don't like rescribing either. Only one successful model out of the bunch that I've rescribed and that was because it had straight as a plank wings too (the RM Panther) so I understand your feelings on the matter.

  3. A beautiful F-89H, Chuck! And kudos on the PITA re-scribe.
    Do you happen to have non-Facebook contact info on Flying S Models? I'm not on Facebook but I'd like to get a set of those H-models pods myself.


  4. Great build and excellent redo, Chuck!
    Love the looks of the Scorpion!

  5. Good choice to redo the kit, Chuck @chuckbrumm
    It looks awesome this way.
    Hard to believe the wings of the Scorpion were able to carry those huge pods.

  6. Nice to see, a Scorpion showing its stinger!
    Nice work on the upgrade Chuck.

  7. Nice re-work project! Came out great.

  8. Really nice, Chuck (@chuckbrumm), and a spectacular paint scheme. I remember going to an airshow when I was a kid at Biggs Air Force Base, now Biggs Army Airfield in El Paso, Texas, and seeing an F-89 on display. I remember thinking that any plane that looks like a scorpion must be really cool.

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