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Mark Kannemeyer
18 articles

ZM 1/32 A-1J Skyraider

December 26, 2022 · in Aviation · · 21 · 0.6K

ZM Skraider built OOB with the exception of some improvements to the Yankee Extraction System and seat. There were also one or two minor tweaks. I still however need to add a scratch 150gal tank for the starboard inner wing pylon but that will have to wait for '23 as I'm done modelling for '22. This was a fairly quick and easy build with no fit issues and painted mostly with AK Real Colors.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. That’s a score 10 model Mark, beautifully painted and a very solid build

  2. A superb result, Mark! Must be quote big in 1/32!

  3. Very nice result, Mark @mikekilo
    The "remove before flight" signs are a nice addtition.

  4. Very nice work! Score yourself 50 points for recognizing there are no "frames" in the windshield, the single most-common mistake we all make with Skyraider models (certainly did my share).

    Very nice paintwork and realistic weathering.

    • Thank you Tom. Correct no frames.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  5. That’s a big beast! Superbly finished Mark, congratulations

  6. That's a great looking Spad Mark.

  7. A fine ending to the year, Mark.

  8. First time I have seen this one build, Mark (@mikekilo). Well done. Have you put a down payment on the needed shelf space?

  9. Fantasties gedoen Mark. Welgedaan!
    There is nothing more impressive than a Spad dressed up for a Sandy mission deep into enemy territory. Overall this is an impressive build!

  10. A great-looking Spad - well done!

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