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Carl Christensen
47 articles

Clash of the Titans

February 17, 2023 · in Diorama · · 20 · 1.4K

I've always wanted to do a diorama of 2 tanks that have rammed each other and then got stuck.

I'm quite happy with how this has come out. There is quite a lot going on here, but I think it captures the frenzied panic of everyone trying to escape their tank while the battles still raging around them, and their own survival is still undetermined.

Both the tanks are and the figures are Dragon and Masterbox.

Luckily both tanks suspension was easy to manipulate. This was especially important on the Russian BT-7. With the weight of the German tank on it I've had to play around so the right front of the tank is the lowest and the left rear the highest. Yet for the time I spent on it you can hardly tell in the photos. The Masterbox Russian tankers was a good kit but the two coming out of the drivers compartment needed some work to make them seem more natural as they didn't quite fit together in a realistic way in my opinion, but now I'm much happier with their pose.


After an eagle eyed member of the group pointed out the BT-7 only had a crew of 3, I couldn't get his comments out of my head. I've now adjusted the figures to reflect this. It still works well and I've posted 2 new photos at the end to show the new posing of the Soviet crew.

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Well done, this is the way! I like the figure painting too! @carlpud

    Check this project too!

  2. Amazing diorama Carl ! All that’s missing is the noise and the Smoke.

  3. Fantastic diorama, Carl @carlpud
    There is so much to see here, each angle reveals something new.
    Even from the top, where you see that frightened soldier in the turret.
    A diorama packed full with action.
    Well done.

  4. Well done, Carl. Great interactive display and tells the story...two thumbs up!

  5. This is truly excellent work. Everything in this diorama works because each element is done to a similar quality level. The AFVs look right, the figures are highly realistic. Everything comes together and tells the story just right.

  6. Wonderful nob, Carl!

  7. Down and dirty WW2 combat! Very good models and setup. Earthwork is particularly well done. I agree with John B. the guy in the turret is a great touch.

  8. Very cool dio. Lots to like about this work.

  9. Very well done. Great attention to detail. Look up the story of a British Sherman ramming a King Tiger in Normandy.

  10. Wonderful work - I really like the composition. If I may offer a suggestion it would be to adjust the Soviet crew, as a BT-7 only had three crewmen.

  11. Great concept for a diorama!

  12. That is super cool! 🤗 What a wonderfully dynamic diorama, with dramatic, realistic posing of the participants!
    I really liked discovering the crewman peering up through the cupola. Great, realistic scale modeling Carl @carlpud. 🍻

  13. @carlpud - Amazing diorama Carl! The dynamic action that you've captured with the figures is very cool. I really like how you can continue to find new things as you look around.

  14. Amazing realization Carl 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
    Very realistic and drama

  15. Btw-@carlpud, Carl, here's hoping you've escaped any harm from the cyclone. I hope all is well with you and yours! 🙂

    • Thank you Gary. I'm fine. Im in Christchurch which is in the south island. We were struggling through 30 degree Celsius heat down here while the north Island got hit by the cyclone.

  16. There's a lot going on in this diorama. Nicely done Carl.

  17. Great idea, Carl, very well carried out, I especially like the figures.

  18. Great work @carlpud ! And the fix was nicely done.

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