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Manuel Magrinho
73 articles

British 10th Hussars, Africa, end of the XIX century; 54mm

May 24, 2024 · in Figures · · 8 · 175

(I'm catching up with 2023 builds not posted here yet... :-/ )
Today I bring another figure, this time an english soldier (10th Hussars, Africa, end of the XIX century) in field uniform.
Figure in , Lead and resin, painted with acrilycs. Saddlery and other details, hand made.
Hope you like,

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Looks wonderful, Manuel!

  2. Yes. I like!

    All the detail on the figure and horse are great, but doing the saddlery - that's very cool.

  3. That’s really cool. The details are great

  4. Beautifully painted, Manuel @magrus

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