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Neill Roos
7 articles

1/48 SAAF Tiger Moth

August 13, 2024 · in Aviation · · 21 · 171

After attempting a Bronco 1/48 Mustang and having some difficulties with the metallic finish, I needed an ego booster. Enter the Airfix 1/48 DH82A Tiger Moth. Lovely kit with a great fit. I chickened out with the rigging but will attempt some down the line. South African decals from Mav Decals. The front canopy did go missing for about a week after it it went full Martin Baker mode out of my tweezers haha.

The South African Airforce operated 675 DH82A Tiger Moths from 1939-1958. Training a large number of allied pilots during WW2. The Springbok roundel depicted on this aircraft, was adopted by the SAAF from 1947-1958.

The last two photos are of the original 592 in service. Being the only Tiger Moth with the Springbok roundel. Another one of a restored 592 in the Classic Flying Collection

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6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. I have been a watcher here for some while. Ur comment on the windscreen is so reminiscent of my experiences that I had to comment! Ha! Been there more times than I care to admit. Funny how parts dissappear like that, sometimes to be found, and sometimes not. I once found a missing part in my sock! Great work on this kit. I am building commonwealth aircraft like crazy right now. Discovered green stuff camo putty and now do not fear these camo schemes. Hope to screw up my courage and display some of my mediocre attempts. Nice job.

    • Thanks Chris. It's amazing how fast and stealthy parts can get once they leave your tweezers! Definitely would recommend posting as everyone here is always willing to help out and give tips. I have taken plenty on board and slowly improving.

  2. Very nice Tiger Moth, Neil!

  3. Beautiful work done on this Tiger Moth, Neill @neillroos

  4. Looks good. The rigging on Tiger Moth's not like doing an F.E.2b ofr aD.H.2 - it's easy. 🙂

  5. Well done, Neill. I'm impressed you decided to nix the NMF and move over to me, one of the hardest finishes to paint. Can't wait to see the NMF.

  6. Nice Moth, Neil. That’s a fun kit.

  7. Beauty mate, well done. Don't panic too much about doing some rigging. There are a few products out there that male it less daunting.

    My first attempt with ushi thread. I can👍

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  8. Very nice, and the Springbok roundels are a nice touch.

  9. Nicely done. By the way, Roald Dahl of Willy Wonka fame gives a great account of his time flying the Tiger Moth in the early days of WW2, when he was training for the Hurricane in East and North Africa. The book is called /Going Solo/. Highly recommended.

    • Thanks @davidathomas I'll have to give it a look. I'm busy reading a book by Brian Edwards at the moment, it's called "The Matilda Mission" about his flight from England to Australia. Would recommend.

      • Sounds interesting! I loved Dahl's commentary because he fell in love with the Tiger Moth and had a blast in it. His experiences with the Gloster Gladiator and the Hurricane were less pleasant, but the guy was 6'6" tall, so...yeah, cockpits...

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